Saturday, September 5, 2009

The winners

The Winners

My make-up website - is dedicated to offering ladies the opportunity to access professional make-up advise, through my personalised on-line make-up service. Those ladies who purchase their on-line make-up analysis email me photos of themselves, so I can analyse their features and offer them make-up tips. Applicants then email me more photos after they have put their new make-up techniques into practice.
Every few months I run a contest and I select the most professionally applied make-up application and this time around there are 2 amazing applications!
Semley Talbot (photo below) and Sally Westrope (photo above) are the winners.
They have won an E make-up book created by top make-up artist Karinda Ristic.
Details about Karinda's book can be found on her website
Enjoy Semley and Sally - the time and effort you put into your bridal make-up look was well worth the effort - you look amazing.